Perennial morning glories
The blue trumpets of the essential morning glory ‘Heavenly Blue’ are familiar to us, but we are less familiar with the perennial varieties of which the botanist Patrick Blanc has gathered a collection brought back from his travels around the world in the arboretum of La Vallée-aux-Loups in Châtenay-Malabry (92).
Mediterranean gardens
Hanbury Gardens, a century and a half of brilliant acclimatization
The Mortola Gardens, created in 1867 by Thomas Hanbury, are revered as a botanical and landscaped oasis, demonstrating the immense potential of acclimatization.
New Plants
The new award-winning dahlias
A farandole of superb new dahlias awarded at the international competition in Paris, the Criterium d'Orléans and the Coutances Dahlia Festival
Mediterranean gardens
Mediterranean perennials and bulbs, the all-rounders
The range of cold-resistant Mediterranean plants is wider than one might imagine. These species, accustomed to dry summers, are adapted to a rather autumnal and winter rainfall regime… while always avoiding their roots stagnating in waterlogged soil.
Mediterranean gardens
Eternally Provençal, the Jean Mus style
On the terraces of the Grasse region, landscaper Jean Mus has highlighted the uneven terrain and the shape of the old basins, with a series of paving stones and steps that disappear beneath the olive trees.
Between art and botany
In Ardèche an open-air gallery
Mercurart is as much a garden with varied spaces, rich in numerous botanical collections, as an open-air gallery where works are exhibited that respond to the sometimes scientific, sometimes poetic speculation of their designer.
Corfu, an island floating on the Ionian Sea
Corfu, nicknamed the "garden of the gods", combines the Mediterranean sun with a climate a little less arid than that of the continent. On its reliefs, many gardeners have come to set up their gardens, which they open to visitors for a few days in the spring: an opportunity for multiple discoveries.
Mediterranean gardens
Torre d’Ariant, a founding Mediterranean garden
Created by Heidi Gildemeister on the island of Majorca, Torre d’Ariant was the founder of a new culture of gardens in the Mediterranean climate.
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